Hi, how are you doing? Hope you’re healthy and happy.
I will give you 10 opposites today. I’m sure you will find these words in your daily conversations.
In Bahasa, you mention the noun first, and the adjective later.
For example:
big bag = tas besar; tas yang besar
Besar - kecil | Big - small |
Panjang - pendek | Long - short |
Tinggi - pendek | Tall - short |
Terang - gelap | Bright - dark |
Jauh - dekat | Far - near |
Mahal - murah | Expensive - cheap |
Bagus - jelek | Good - bad |
Tua - muda | Old - young |
Sehat - sakit | Healthy - sick |
Kaya - miskin | Rich - poor |
Here are some examples:
1. Saya suka tinggal di kota besar.
= I like to live in a big city.
2. Saya hanya punya penggaris yang pendek. Bolehkah saya pinjam penggarismu yang panjang?
I only have a short ruler. May I borrow your long ruler?
3. Pria itu tinggi dan ganteng sekali.
That man is tall and very good looking.
4. Sekarang sudah gelap, tapi mengapa kamu masih pakai kacamata hitam?
It’s dark already, but why are you still wearing sunglasses?
5. Rumahmu dekat dengan rumah saya.
Your house is near my house.
6. Saya ingin memiliki mobil yang mahal.
I want to have an expensive car.
7. Tulisan tangannya bagus sekali.
Her handwriting is really good.
8. Nenek saya sudah sangat tua.
My grandmother is very old.
9. Walaupun nenek saya sudah tua, dia masih terlihat cantik.
Even though my grandmother is old, she still looks beautiful.
10. Kalau kamu jadi orang kaya suatu hari nanti, jangan lupa untuk selalu membantu orang miskin.
When you’re rich one day, don’t forget to help the poor.
Can you write a sentence with one of the adjectives above?
Thanks for learning with me today.
I’ll write again tomorrow.
Bye for now.
Mama Bahasa
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