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In case of emergency

Hi! Welcome back to my blog!


I hope you're always healthy and happy.

I hope you won't be in any emergency situation, but just in case you are, here are some expressions that you can use.

I also provide some important numbers that you can call in emergency situations.


Anak saya hilang!

My child is missing!



Ban saya bocor.

I have a flat tire.







Dimana rumah sakit terdekat?

Where is the nearest hospital?




Be careful!

Ini kartu asuransi saya.

This is my insurance card!

Jangan sentuh saya!

Don’t touch me!





Saya berdarah.

I’m bleeding.

Saya dirampok!

I’ve been robbed!

Saya ditabrak mobil/motor.

I was hit by a car/motorbike.

Saya hamil.

I am pregnant.

Saya jatuh dari motor.

I fell off the motorbike.

Saya kecelakaan.

I had an accident.

Saya kehilangan dompet/paspor saya.

I lost my wallet/passport.

Saya keracunan.

I got poisoned!

Saya lupa bawa dompet.

I forgot my wallet.

Saya perlu penerjemah.

I need an intrepreter.

Saya tersesat.

I am lost.

Saya tidak bisa bernafas.

I can’t breathe.

Telpon ambulan!

Call the ambulance!

Telpon polisi!

Call the police!

Tolong kirim pemadam kebakaran!

Please send a fire engine!

Tolong saya!

Please help me!



Important phone numbers:

110 – Police

113 – Fire Department

115 – Search And Rescue (SAR)

118 – Ambulance

123 – Electricity


Please stay safe and healthy!

In case you need anything, please also feel free to email me at I’d be more than happy to help you, as long as I can.



Mama Bahasa


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