Hi, how are you doing?
Today we're learning about body parts.
Kepala = head
Rambut = hair
Leher = neck
Dahi = forehead
Alis = eyebrow
Mata = ear
Bulu mata = eyelashes
Hidung = nose
Pipi = cheek
Mulut = mouth
Gigi = tooth
Bibir = lips
Telinga = ear
Leher = neck
Bahu = shoulder
Dada = chest
Lengan = arm
Tangan = hand
Telapak tangan = palm
Pergelangan tangan = wrist
Siku = elbow
Jari = fingers
Jempol = thumb
Jari telunjuk = index finger
Jari tengah = middle finger
Jari manis (literally means sweet finger) = ring finger
Jari kelingking = little finger
Kuku = nail
Perut = stomach
Punggung = back
Pinggang = waist
Panggul = hip
Pantat = bottom
Paha = thigh
Lutut = knee
Kaki = foot
Jari kaki = toe
Pergelangan kaki = ankle
Jantung = heart
Hati = liver
Paru-paru = lungs
Ginjal = kidney
Tulang = bone
Usus = intestine
Darah = blood
In case you hurt yourself, you could say:
... saya sakit = I hurt my ...
For example:
Jari saya sakit. = I hurt my finger.
Lutut saya sakit. = I hurt my knee.
On the next lesson, we are going to talk about health problems.
Stay healthy, friends!
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