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Health Problems

Hi, hope you're doing very well today as you're reading this.

Just in case you're sick when you're in Indonesia, it's good to know some vocabularies about health problems so hopefully whoever help you will give the right treatment. Here they are.

Saya sakit kepala. = I have a headache.
Saya sakit gigi. = I have a toothache.
Saya sakit sakit perut. = I have a stomachache.

Saya sakit punggung. = I have a backache.
Saya sakit telinga. = I have an earache.
Saya sakit tenggorokan. = I have a sore throat.

Saya digigit nyamuk. = I have a mosquito bite.
Saya disengat lebah. = I have a bee sting.

Saya pilek. = I have a runny nose.
Saya masuk angin. = I have a cold.
Saya demam. = I have a fever.
Saya kram. = I have a cramp.
Saya mimisan. = I have a nose bleed.
Saya benjol. = I have a bump.
Saya batuk. = I have a cough.
Saya alergi. = I have an allergy.

Hidung saya mampet. = I have a runny nose.
Tulang hidung saya patah. = I have a broken nose.
Tulang kaki saya patah. = I have a broken leg.

Kulit saya gatal-gatal, ruam. = I have a rash.
Kulit saya terbakar. = I have a burn.
Kulit saya terbakar matahari. = I have a sunburn.

Saya pusing. = I feel dizzy.
Saya capek. = I feel tired.
Saya gatal. = I feel itchy.

Saya merasa mual. = I feel nauseous.
Saya merasa kedinginan. = I feel cold.
Saya merasa kepanasan. = I feel hot.

Saya merasa buruk. = I feel bad.
Saya merasa lebih buruk. = I feel worse.

Saya merasa baik. = I feel good.
Saya merasa lebih baik. = I feel better.
Saya merasa sangat luar biasa. = I feel great.

Tomorrow I'll post some tips about how to keep healthy while you are in Indonesia.

Please stay healthy friends!


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