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It's common that people ask about what you do for a living.

When people ask:

Apa pekerjaan Anda?
Apa pekerjaanmu?
Apa pekerjaan ibu?
Apa pekerjaan bapak?

You can answer:

Saya adalah seorang ... 

Akuntan = accountant
Artis = actor/actress
Asisten rumah tangga = helper
Atlet = athlete
Desainer = designer
Dokter = doctor
Dokter gigi = dentist
Guru = teacher
Ibu rumah tangga = housewife
Insinyur = engineer
Juru foto = photographer
Pelajar = student
Pelayan restoran = waiter
Penari = dancer
Penata rambut = hairdresser
Pendeta = pastor
Pengacara = lawyer
Pengasuh bayi = baby sitter
Pengusaha = entrepreneur
Penulis = writer
Penyanyi = singer
Perawat = nurse
Petani = farmer
Petugas pemadam kebakaran = fire fighter
Polisi = police
Seniman = artist
Tentara = soldier
Tukang cukur = barber
Tukang kayu = carpenter

Tukang listrik = electrician

If you're currently not working, you could say:
Saya belum bekerja. = I don't have a job yet.
Saya sedang mencari pekerjaan. = I'm looking for a job.

Do you have a question?
Please feel free to comment below. :)


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